Copyright © 2010-2015 Green Compliance Water Division Limited, 10 Mead Court, Cooper Road, Thornbury, BS35 3UW Incorporated in England & Wales. Company No 03572340 Connect Green Compliance News Home Water Treatment Water Hygiene Legionella Control Air Hygiene Sign in / Sign Up Engineering Services

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Engineering Services

Plant Servicing & Maintenance

Prolonging the usage of expensive plant and equipment while making sure it is performing at optimum efficiency is the aim of all Green Compliance servicing and maintenance contracts.  Our team of expert technicians work to ensure that your vital plant is maintained in-line with manufacturer recommendations while delivering servicing to keep you compliant (against both statutory and manufacturer guidance).

Our service promise is:

This aspect of our portfolio is one where we always look to live up to our mission that:

“It’s our business to protect your business”

Our solutions consist of both mechanical and engineering plant service and maintenance as follows:

Mechanical: Compliance testing for pressure vessels, thermostatic mixing valves

Engineering: Planned preventative maintenance of all makes of plant, resin bed disinfection, commissioning, operating and maintenance manuals