Legionella Risk Assessment
In the UK the Health and Safety Executive’s Approved Code of Practice (ACoP) and Guidance document titled "Legionnaires' disease: The control of legionella bacteria in water systems" (L8) gives practical advice on how to comply with UK health and safety law with respect to the control of Legionella bacteria. This crucial publication updated to a 4th Edition in 2013 clearly sets out the vital importance of conducting a legionella risk assessment.
ACoP (L8) states that ‘a suitable and sufficient assessment must be carried out to identify and assess the risk of exposure to legionella bacteria from work activities and water systems on the premises and any precautionary measures needed.’
The team at Green Compliance are able to advise you on your needs and then conduct a full risk assessment for your premises – whether a single office or warehouse or an entire hospital complex Green Compliance can help.
Self Assessment Checklist:
Click here to take our self assessment questionnaire to assist if you are unsure whether your organisation requires a Legionella Risk assessment or Contact Us at Green Compliance
Compliant Risk Assessments
Your Legionella Risk Assessment is the initial component of your entire approach to water hygiene and safety, so it is essential that it is conducted to the highest standard. Green Compliance appreciate that there are many options available for risk assessment but our philosophy, in this area and in everything that we do for our clients, is based on quality.
The Green Compliance Risk Assessment Quality Guarantee:
To purchase a copy of the BS 8580 please click on this link