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L8 Legionella Risk Self Audit Checklist

Water treatment, hygiene & Legionella Control

L8 Basic Self-Audit Checklist

This short self-audit checklist will help you quickly identify whether your organisation is currently compliant with the HSE’s Approved Code of Practice and Guidance document dealing with the control of Legionella risks, referred to as “L8”.  

Please answer the following questions about your situation and tick in the box for “yes”:

If you have answered “yes” to all these questions, congratulations you are well on your way to compliance with the HSE’s “L8”. If however, you’ve been unable to answer yes to one or more questions it is possible that your organisation is currently non-compliant and that there is further work to be done.  Please contact us on 033 022 31313 or email

Alternatively please enter your details below and one of our Legionella specialists will contact you with more details.

*Duty Holder and Responsible Person are terms used in the HSE’s ACoP L8 to describe specific job roles.



