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Green Compliance Water Hygiene and Treatment is a complete water treatment, water hygiene and air solutions company, dedicated to providing customers with innovative environmental solutions. We specialise in ensuring that we understand our customers’ requirements and how to fulfil them. We do this by providing a bespoke package to give safe water systems, peace of mind and above all complete compliance.

Engineering Services

Water treatment, hygiene and legionella control

Our Health & Safety commitment

The Green Compliance Health & Safety commitment begins with our continuous efforts to achieve the highest standards of Health & Safety throughout our business. Green Compliance and its employees are dedicated to providing the best possible service to our clients whilst maintaining best practice and compliance with Health & Safety standards.  

Our Health & Safety development begins with the importance of safe behaviour using a range of strategies such as Near Miss & Safety Concern reporting, communications and safety plans.  We are committed to providing consistent safety training throughout the workforce and can confirm its success through behavioural observations, site visits and skill surveys.

Our long term goal is to strive to achieve an Incident & Accident free workplace. To help us achieve this we continue to reinforce Safety as a responsibility and to evaluate all risks presented to us as a business.  Our team ensures implementation of sufficient measures to ensure any risks are controlled where necessary, therefore working with our clients to ensure a safe place of works for Green Compliance employees and others that are affected by our works.

A positive Health & Safety culture is imperative to our business and we look forward to an exciting future with the appointment of a dedicated Health & Safety Manager to drive forward our core Health & Safety values. Our Health & Safety improvement program includes short and long term objectives including our commitment to achieve ISO 18001 within the near future.

To view out Health & Safety Policy Click Here

Please Click Here for a copy of the Green Compliance Reach Policy Compliance Statement.

To demonstrate our commitment to driving our health and safety culture Green Compliance has engaged a full time health and safety manager to support and improve our business for our staff, our clients and the wider communities in which we work. Click here to read our news story confirming this key appointment into our team.

Water treatment, hygiene & Legionella Control